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Interview with Maria Lauren Wisdom

October 4, 2018

Interview: Maria Lauren Wisdom, Head of Tennis at Paddington RecreationGrounds, Maida Vale.

What was your first experience of inclusive/disability tennis?
My first experience with disability tennis was only recently this year, when Iafter years of thinking about it finally had the opportunity to get on a courserun by the LTA at Paddington Rec. The course was brilliant and inspired me toget much more involved with inclusive tennis and try and create some sessionsat Paddington Recreation grounds.
What plans do you have for inclusive/disability tennis at Paddington Rec?
This year in June I set up, with the help and funding of the Tennis Foundation,two inclusive tennis sessions. One offered to players with Learningdisabilities and the second session a DSActive session offered to players withDowns Syndrome. I am happy to announce that Paddington Recreation Grounds willbe hosting our first inclusive tennis festival on September 15th 9-12pm open toall players. Thereafter we will be running two inclusive 6 week courses on aTuesday evening 5-6pm and 6-7pm.
Who are they key partners in the project?
The Key partners in this project are The Tennis Foundation, MiddlesexLTA’s Inclusive tennis officer Mark Bullock and myself.
What advice would you give to clubs and coaches looking to develop theirinclusive/disability offer? 
This is a great way to open up your clubs tennis programme to players of allages and abilities.  It allows all of the community to get involved and bea part of your club
Anything else you would like to add?
Tennis is a beautiful sport that has the power to bring all people togetherregardless of age, race gender or any a disability, physical or mental.Everyone will benefit from playing tennis as it promotes healthy living andcreates an amazing social atmosphere for everyone involved. I am very happy tobe apart of this and I hope to keep promoting tennis for everyone and anybodywho wants to play. Thank you.

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